step by step
Step by step guide
micro needling
Your guide to help you prepare and care for your skin to get the most out of your treatment. It covers all the nitty gritties of filling out forms and what guidelines to read. This will give you a framework for what to expect before, during and after your treatment.

complete online forms
There are two forms to fill out. You will be able to fill out on any device and also retain a copy for yourself. Please read them carefully. There are contra-indications and undesirable effects for some with underlying conditions. There is always a risk and adverse effects can happen to anyone, although rare. If your health or medications change give me a heads up before your treatment. Your info is safe and confidential.

In preparation
Plan to lay low on the day of your treatment. Cleanse and remove any makeup from your face and neck. Use a headband or elastic to keep your hair off of your face.
Mobile treatments:
Please have a space large enough for a massage bed. A kitchen or near one usually works best as it has counter space, running water, bright lighting and an electrical outlet. If not, no worries. I come well equipped and have done treatments in very unusual spaces and adapt well under any circumstance. I will provide towels/sheets. Please provide pillows and a blanket or anything else you would like so you are nice and comfy.
At my location: Just bring you.
- Avoidance of Accutane for the past 6 months
- Avoid retinoids, topical antibiotics, hydroquinone, sunburn, and benzoyl peroxide 3 days prior to procedure.
- Avoidance of IPL/Laser, fillers and Botox procedures for 7 days prior
- For men: No shaving the day of the procedure, shave the day before
- Antiviral can be taken 2 days prior to and day of treatment if you have a history of cold sores and are concerned. Treatment does not always trigger a cold sore and this is just a precaution.
- No active cold sores, herpes simplex, warts, open sores, sunburn, dermatitis or inflammatory rosacea (rosacea that is not pustule and inflamed can be treated)
- No allergies to lidocaine (topical anaesthetic used)

treatment in progress
A topical anesthetic is applied to the area that is being treated. I occlude you with some plastic wrap for 20 to 25 minutes. This allows for deeper penetration of the topical. The treatment itself takes another 30 minutes. You may feel a little discomfort in some areas. Everyone is different. I’ve had someone fall asleep. If any discomfort is felt, the depth of the needles can be adjusted. I’ll ask you during your treatment to let me know where you’re at in your comfort level.
A hyaluronic acid serum (HA) that is made weekly, containing only an organic vegetable glycerin and 5% hyaluronic acid (low molecular weight) is used during your treatment. It is used with a skin pen which holds a sterile needle cartridge. You are given HA to take with you for home use. Use it all and toss by expiry date. It is given to you in a syringe so there is no cross contamination.

The first 24 hours
Your skin will be red after microneedling. Don’t panic. It’s normal for your skin to be red following a microneedling treatment. It will feel like a sunburn. You may experience some bruising and swelling.
This can sometimes happen around your eyes, forehead and other areas that are sensitive or received extra attention. It’s nothing to be worried about, and the bruising is usually faint enough to be covered up with makeup in a day or so. If you experience swelling, cool cloth compresses will help soothe any discomfort. Only touch your face with clean hands to prevent any type of infection. Do not use anything but the products that are given to you the day of your treatment. Stay clear of retinols and glycolics for 48 hours.
No sunscreen on day of treatment (they have ingredients that are not meant to be deep in the skin.)
2 to 4 hours after treatment
Rinse face in shower or splash and gently rub your skin with tepid water at the sink to cleanse for about 5 minutes. Pat dry with towel. Your skin is very sensitive after treatment so be gentle.
Use a small amount of the HA (hyaluronic acid serum in syringe) and add water to spread all over face and neck. Use at least 5 to 10 times on the first day and continue to use daily until finished. Apply serum then your moisturizer on top. Only use the HA serum for the first 24 to 48 hours depending on how deep your treatment was.
Your skin will feel and look different. It might feel rough to the touch for a few days as it heals. The redness will fade within 24 hours, a little longer if your treatment was deeper or more aggressive.
24 – 48 hours after treatment
Redness is fading. You can apply makeup now if you need too. No makeup is best for the first few days but if you have too just aim to use mineral as it’s best for your skin.
3-5 days after treatment
Peeling is a normal and is usually part of the microneedling healing process, caused by the increased cell turnover. Everyone is different. You can expect peeling to start within 3-5 days after your appointment. Don’t pick at your skin. Keep it well moisturized with the HA serum provided and your own moisturizer and skincare. A very gentle enzyme peel can be used at day 4/5. Gentle is key. Resume your regular skin care routine as soon as it feels comfortable to do so.
6 – 10 days after treatment
In most, very few signs are visible from the treatment. Most experience ‘a glow’ and smoother skin.
- Avoid alcohol-based toners for 10 to 14 days
- Avoid direct sun exposure for at least 10 – 28 days if possible,
- SPF 30 is recommended rain or shine after 24 hours post treatment
- No hot tubs or baths for 24 hours
The magic happens

The magic starts to happen immediately behind the scenes. It’s at about 3 to 4 weeks post treatment where you start to notice subtle differences in your skin. Your skin may glow, feel softer, smoother and pores may appear smaller. Your face may feel back to normal but there is a whole lot of action still occurring deep in the skin. Your skin is building new collagen and elastin and that takes time. Patience is required but it’s worth it. I promise.

rinse & repeat
Book your next microneedle. A minimum of 3 treatments spaced 6 to 8 weeks apart is recommended to see the best results. You will feel a difference however after just one treatment. Please note that microneedling is not recommended during the summer months. Plan your treatments accordingly. You can have as many as you want. Unlike some lasers, there is no limits. Microneedling is an effective anti- aging treatment you can rely on for life.